Festival Performa & Platforma 2017 - Woman's domain

Ethics in Contemporary Dance

radio panel

Radio Maribor (Pohorje 93,1 MHz, Boč 90,4 MHz, Ožbalt 87,7 MHz, Trbonje 93,8 MHz)

- Ana Germ
- Maja Lamovšek
- Mojca Kasjak
- Jasmina Založnik
Moderated by: Irena K. Cizerl
Produced by: Plesna Izba Maribor, Maribor Youth Culture Centre, in collaboration with Radio Maribor

The scale of human aspirations and action always adopts a certain form and content.

Is there enough ethics in contemporary dance? Is it manifested and expressed? Is the ethical component present and appreciated in contemporary art in general? If yes, how is it understood by authors and performers, how is it perceived by spectators? Is it introduced into art practices and processes? Does ethics also have a role in defining the end product of an artistic process? Can a dance performance have a good concept but at the same time lack an ethical component? And the other way around?

The radio panel will open these and similar questions and address the issue of ethics in the sphere of artistic collaboration. We will also touch upon the ethics of cultural-political engagement and discuss whether personal ethics leaves traces in artworks.

Festival Performa & Platforma 2017 - Woman's domain - Home page